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We’re not just securing email and eSigning.

We’re helping ACM Global Laboratories ensure precise, private global delivery of lab results, for a healthier planet.

And we’ve been with them since 2008.

RMail. For Life Sciences. Medical Labs.

RMail Logo
Life Sciences
Medical Labs
United States, Global

Primary Use

Registered Email™ e-delivery proof with automatic encryption

Main Benefit

ACM Global simplifies secured communications with RMail® encryption and Registered Email™ services.

ACM Global Laboratories, a recognized leader in global clinical trial and central lab testing services, implemented RMail to comply with HIPAA/HITECH requirements and send clinical trial compliant notifications. RMail added strong data-centric encryption and Registered Email™ proof of e-delivery to ACM’s electronic messaging systems, and enabled ACM to send encrypted files and attachments with a single click or automated from systems — even to recipients who don’t have RMail installed. ACM was impressed with RMail’s ease-of-use for encryption and award-winning Registered Receipt™ e-delivery evidence record.

Know More: Email Encryption


Senders have the RMail for Outlook app installed and send encrypted Registered Email™ messages. The RMail system dynamically delivers with the best secure method for each recipient, ensuring simplicity and compliant privacy; sender automatic receives Registered Receipt™ delivery and privacy proof.

ACM Global Laboratories is one of the world’s largest life sciences companies with specialty in medical lab testing. We’ve been providing assurance and proof that precise content of lab test results is safely delivered with proper levels of privacy; with proof of fact of encrypted delivery, to increase overall lab success.

Tradenames are owned by the named company. Service benefit is summary, not intended to be a case study.​ RPost technology is patented. RMail, RSign, and RPost are trademarks owned by RPost.