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We’re not just securing email and eSigning.

We’re helping Philips improve your life outlook, as they tech-enable healthcare the world over.

And we’ve been with them since 2015.

RMail. For Health Care. Medical Equipment.

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Health Care
Medical Equipment

Primary Use

Registered Email™ e-delivery proof

Main Benefit

Auditable proof of compliance with notice requirements, electronically — Registered Email™ service returns timestamped electronic proof of delivery for important client communications.

Philips Improved Its Customer Response Interaction with RMail®

Philips, a health technology company, wanted to enhance its customer support responses and assure a timely and superior customer experience. By implementing the RMail solution, Philips was able to quickly enhance its support process efficiency, easily manage the customer response times, and importantly, record in the Registered Email™ Registered Receipt record, compliance with support response time requirements.

Know More: Email Encryption


Senders have the RMail for Outlook app installed, and when using the Registered Email™ service, the sender receives an automatic analysis of the delivery forensics, cryptographically sealed to the delivery content and timestamp, and packaged as a returned Registered Receipt proof record.

Philips is one of the largest specialty medical electronics providers, supporting hospitals and medical practices internationally. We’ve been providing assurance that critical customer communications has been sent, delivered, with timestamped proof of content received; to support compliance with their customer service agreements.

Tradenames are owned by the named company. Service benefit is summary, not intended to be a case study.​ RPost technology is patented. RMail, RSign, and RPost are trademarks owned by RPost.