

How to Manage, Organize & Streamline eSignatures Documents

In addition to being easy to use for senders to prepare and send documents for recipient electronic signature, and for signers to sign and return the document. RSign provides administrators and power users the ability to manage, organize and streamline all the documents for a complete RSign experience.

Step-by-Step Instructions

In RSign’s “Manage” area, completed documents are stored and available for easy retrieval. RSign provides administrative settings and options to power document, transaction and eSignature management experiences.

Step 1: From the RSign dashboard, click “Manage” to redirect to the Manage area.

Step 2: Administrators can view all the transactions with status – completed, waiting for signature, or incomplete and expired. Each transaction will have a unique envelope code.

Step 3: From the sort dropdown, administrators can sort the documents by status or other variables.

RSign gives you Legal Proof® records of every eSignatuture transaction, including timestamps, signer IP addresses for signer authentication, and a signature certificate which serves as a complete audit trail.